This is my personal blog where I mostly post geeky, computer, family-oriented stories, and slightly OCD stuff. You can also follow me on Google+.
Category Archives: technology
How to win on Ebay: buy low and sell high
I’m observing a few items on eBay these days, mostly out of curiosity. It’s remarkable how ignorant and counterproductive most people are concerning eBay. This post explains a few simple and proven principles that will help buyers to win at lower prices, and help sellers achieve better prices for their auctions. Continue reading
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I’m leaving Facebook because they don’t let me control my information
Enough is enough. This article in Wired is but one in a sea of cries against Facebook, and they’ve all got a very good point: Facebook is actively undermining the privacy of the users, but we users should be able … Continue reading
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Tagged diary, facebook, friends, google, internet, privacy, social network
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Faster DNS = faster Internet!
If you don’t know what “DNS” means, then never mind this article. But if you are familiar with DNS, then you’ll likely appreciate this tip. Google has recently provided a Public DNS service which is often significantly faster than your … Continue reading
Windows 7/Vista — make the navigation pane expand to the current folder
It annoys me when stuff suddenly works differently for no obvious reason, and even more so when the result is a lot worse than before. (Here’s a tip, Microsoft: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!) One such annoyance is … Continue reading
Posted in technology
Tagged computer, productivity, windows
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Best new feature in iPhone OS 3.0
After installing the new version of the iPhone OS this morning, I just found the best feature! It’s no the landscape keyboard mode in many apps, but rather the keyboard itself!
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