This is my personal blog where I mostly post geeky, computer, family-oriented stories, and slightly OCD stuff. You can also follow me on Google+.
Tag Archives: security
Don’t get fooled: Phishing was yesterday, here comes smishing!
Smishing is the new phishing: using SMS text messages to trick you into signing up to a subscription that costs €40 per month! Don’t get fooled: read and learn. Continue reading
Use a mantra for your password
I use LastPass and thoroughly enjoy the automatic login for everything. Recently I decided to change my ingenious yet well-worn master password. But what new password would be good? Continue reading
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Tagged computer, health, security
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Your Password is Too Damn Short
Writing about passwords is like beating a dead horse. It’s not very exciting, I know. But this needs to be said, and repeated often: sorry, but your passwords just aren’t good enough. Continue reading
Who reads the license, anyway?
Terms of Service; Didn’t Read is a site that gives you a very compact summary of the terms of your favorite websites and services. There are some surprises in there but Google isn’t one of them – we already know … Continue reading
Independence, freedom, and privacy
In my last post, I voiced the opinion that it can make sense to find software you like and run your own service on a computer you control. The benefit of doing that is independence — not having to rely … Continue reading