
I’ve maintained a personal website since at least 1995 (hello Geocities) and a personal domain since 1997. I’ve hand-coded, used MS FrontPage, Twiki, Foswiki, and finally I switched to WordPress to keep the maintenance effort low. I was never very active with WordPress but I’ve had some sprints now and again that always ebbed out over time.

Right now I’m reviewing some flotsam – old drafts that I jotted down – in various states of completion but mostly lack thereof. I came across a mention of “this recent question” which is, alas, no longer “recent.” It’s dated September 2010… 4½ years ago. It made me smile and reflect on my (lack of) creative productivity on my blog.


I like the idea of blogging regularly but I seem to lack the content as well as the time or focus to take it seriously. After all, it is not essential to my life and I merely see it as an outlet for my writing urges. And yet, other blogs I follow inspire me to pick up the proverbial pen more often again … for now, anyway.

I might even get around to completing that post about organizing a large photo collection. Wait and see – that’s what I do.

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