We’ve moved!

I can’t say we are done with the move to the new apartment, but we’re now officially settled. We gave back the old apartment last week, and by now we have finished the new apartment so far that we can live there comfortably. Mind you, we still need to connect the stove and the oven—you can imagine that our cooking is rather limited under these conditions, but we get by well.

It took a lot more work to get this far than previous moves usually required. The new apartment was in no good shape when we got it. At every step of the way there were unforeseen challenges, so we ended up spending long hours of hard work.

But the work paid off. We’re nowhere near finished yet, with the hallway and one room still in dire need of a serious paint job, and many many moving boxes still stacked, the contents waiting to be sorted and put into place. However, the kitchen is nearly complete, the living room is nearly complete, the bedroom is nearly complete, the study is nearly complete. The last room is a mess, filled with moving boxes and tools and paint and clothes and dirt.

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