I took a closer look at the images I had found yesterday and I noticed that my story was not entirely correct so I’m posting this to set things straight, rather than rewriting yesterday’s post.
I wrote that there were digits on both halves of the wristband, but the image shows all the digits on just one side. Even better, the digits are readable so I can analyze them all over again.
First, here are the bits. There are 19 8-bit lines followed by four lines with fewer bits:
01001100 01101001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101110 00100000 01010100 01101111 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 010 11 0 1 01 0 0 1 1 1 10 0
The first 19 lines can easily be converted to their integer values and then mapped to the ASCII table. They read:
Listen To The Light
(This time I got the capitalization right, too.)
The last four lines are a lot more tricky though. If I just replace the spaces with zeros, I get meaningless codes. Evidently, they’re not intended to be mapped as 8-bit ASCII codes. Some other method is needed and, as far as I recall, you’d even need to apply several different methods to decode those last four lines.
Sadly, I still haven’t been able to dig up anything online about how those four lines are decoded. I only remember that the first was an instruction for an if statement, the next I’m not sure about but it turned out to be “U” in the end, the third was a cancel command statement, commonly read as “can”, and the last turned out to be “C”:
If You Can See
I’m very sorry to keep this post in such a painfully unfinished state, but perhaps some good folks out there can help me complete this story once more? If you’re like me, this will irk you until it’s complete! I think you need some knowledge of assembler and mainframe instruction sets…